A Letter from Our Outgoing PTC Co-President

It is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to our wonderful co-president of three years, April Crawford.

April has been an incredible asset to the PTC. Her energy, passion, and commitment to our organization is unmatched. We will miss her as a leader but couldn't be happier that she will continue to support the PTC in other capacities, including as chair on many committees and as our in-school liaison.

Please take a moment to read April's letter to the SWES community and join us TONIGHT at 7:00pm for April's last PTC Meeting as co-president.

A letter from our outgoing PTC Co-President to the SWES Community

June 7th, 2022

To my fellow SWES parents and caregivers and SWES faculty and staff,

Tonight will be my final PTC meeting as your Co-President. It is hard to believe that I first stepped into this role 3 years ago at Hillside. We have had quite the journey since then! We lost a beloved staff member in the Spring of 2019, transitioned to a new school, weathered the COVID pandemic, prepared for the upcoming farewell to Mr. K upon his retirement, and experienced worldwide events that shook us as a community and as individuals. Through it all, SWES community members have rallied around each other in support.

It was always my hope in accepting this role to aid our teachers, bring families together, build community, and assist our children in developing a love of learning. And I’ve found it inspiring to see everyone come together for the same goal of community well-being. I’d like to thank each and every one of you for your unwavering support of the PTC. Whether it be running a committee, serving pizza at an event, contributing an experience, or donating funds to help our causes, all of it mattered and it all was so appreciated.  

I also want to thank the Hillside/SWES faculty and staff for their partnership with the PTC. Your kindness and participation in our initiatives allow us to do what we do best! I would like to thank Mr. K who has been alongside the PTC every step of the way and has strongly championed us and our endeavors. And of course Lori Donovan who is and always has been a partner in our work. Thank you for the advertising of our events, assistance with logistics, and everything in-between. It really does take a village!    

You are all in wonderful hands moving forward with your Co-Presidents Kim Kaplan and Kim Karelis. To Kim Kaplan, it has been a pleasure to work alongside you these last two years. Thank you for your patience, creativity, and persistence. To Jenna White, Debbie Medvinsky, and Kim Karelis, our amazing board members, thank you for all of your time and dedication to the PTC for the last several years. I am so fortunate to have worked with such an incredible team! 

I hope you all have a wonderful summer and I look forward to seeing you around Needham and at PTC events next year!

Be well,

April Crawford

Please join us for our final PTC Meeting of the 2021/2022 school year!


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Meeting ID: 434 766 2594 

Passcode: wildcats