Summer Volunteers Needed!!

We are looking for volunteers to help us water our raised beds over the summer!

➡️ ➡️ Sign up HERE ⬅️ ⬅️

Why should I sign up? 

The fifth grade watering brigade kept the plants alive through the end of the school year (thank you!), but now that summer is here we are looking for families to help out so that our plants make it through the hot summer months!

What's the commitment? 

Families can sign up for a week at a time, but don't worry! Throughout the week you will only need to water three times at MOST, less if there is rain in the forecast. Watering the raised beds takes less than a half an hour to complete, so you're really only committing to an hour and a half if you think about it! When you sign up we will send you a short detailed video explaining everything. Bonus points if you want to pull weeds from the raised beds while you're there, but that is optional!

How do I sign up? 

Click on the following Sign Up Genius to pick a week! Sign up for one week or multiple weeks - we'll take all the help we can get!

Thanks in advance, and feel free to contact Teri Boardman with any questions: